
Leo (on the wheel) and Noah Liu Oppegaard rolling the court – Spring of 2015.


The tennis court has been used to varying degrees over the years. Before the last revival of the court it was used for dog agility training by “Asker Hundeklubb” (approx. 2005-2014), and it was the family of Frits and Ellen Julie Rustad who took care of the maintenance of the court. After the Oppegaard-Liu family moved into Forpakterboligen (just below the court) in the autumn of 2014, it is tennis aficionado Christian Oppegaard (tennis volunteer for several years in Oslo Tennisklubb) who, with the kind permission of farm owner Michael Rustad, has taken the initiative to create new life on the court. The club “Konglungen Tennisklubb” was founded and got its board on 22 September 2015 with chairman Christian Oppegaard, deputy chairman Jon Rustand and board members Lina Liu, Reidar Lie and Benedicte Rustad.

dealing with overgrowth of weed - 19.10.2024

The weed is a persistant invader and particularly on the sides of the court. Many various attempts hav ebeen made to stop the growth, and we have finally landed on the “ultimate” solution: paving stone. The other sides have already been covered with stones and now was the time for the side of the apple garden. The man ual labor is quite tough and luckily many volunteers showed up: Reidar Lie (as always), new passionate Konglungen TK player Henrik Pay with family, Eskil Dahl Marstein, Leo Oppegaard, Lina Liu and Harald Halstensen with son Victor.

Henrik Pay with family and Reidar Lie in red knit cap.
Victor Halstensen at work completing the pavement


Many volunteers showed up to help expand the court by removing dirt and stones from the side.

Henrik Kittilsen Zandjani with showel and strongman Øystein Os carrying stone
Mr "Lumberjack" Magnus Poulsson with his coffee, Maximillian - "Milo" - Schia and "Anonymous" fellow

MUCH MORE SAND 10.09.2018

Asker Tennisklubb upgraded their courts and we got two courts of sand for free. It was a huge job to disperse the sand around the court,

Strongmen, Jon Rustand and Harald Halstensen, proudly stand in front of much hard work done with the court
Leo Liu Oppegaard putting a showel to work
From Left, Leo Liu Oppegaard, Victor Halstensen, Ask Waalle Engebretsen and Jon Rustand


The court was previously used for dogs agility training and the court was covered with small stones, much grass and leaves.

Until Spring of 2015 the court was used by "Asker Hundeklubb" for dogs agility training
Leo and Noah Liu Oppegaard removing old leafs from the Court - Spring 2015
Leo and Noah Liu Oppegaard rolling the Court - Spring 2015
Volunteers cleaning the Court - Spring 2015
Leo and Noah Liu Oppegaard pushing the Tennis Box to the Court - Summer 2016
Lina Liu doing the first rolling of the Court - Spring 2015
Erik Olav Marstein and Jon Rustad at work removing gravel - Spring 2015
Lina Liu removing gravel together with a neighbour - Spring 2015
Manager of "Oslo Tennisklubb", Reidar Nilsen, on visit to give good advice for revival of the court - Spring 2015