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Spring Dugnad

April 12, 12:00 - 17:00

Project for the Spring 2025 Workday: Expanding the Field Towards the Shed

Why do we do this:

  • Tall grass grows on this side, often hiding balls. This leads to unnecessary financial losses for members and frustration over losing balls.
  • Mowing the grass requires time and resources, and this work must be repeated multiple times throughout the season.
  • The field is slightly shorter on this side, and expansion will provide more room for movement and play.

What Needs to Be Done:

  1. Remove approximately half of the soil mass inward toward the fence along this entire side.
  2. Build a stone wall to prevent balls from disappearing into the grass and to make them bounce back onto the field. This will also create a tidier and more aesthetic impression.
  3. Use crowbars, shovels, spades, and wheelbarrows (tools we already have) to move the soil mass from the field to the lower side of the fence, where a berm has already been started.


April 12
12:00 - 17:00


Konglungen Tennisklubb
Løkenesveien 52
Vettre, Asker 1392
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