Project for the Spring 2025 Workday: Expanding the Field Towards the Shed
Why do we do this:
- Tall grass grows on this side, often hiding balls. This leads to unnecessary financial losses for members and frustration over losing balls.
- Mowing the grass requires time and resources, and this work must be repeated multiple times throughout the season.
- The field is slightly shorter on this side, and expansion will provide more room for movement and play.
What Needs to Be Done:
- Remove approximately half of the soil mass inward toward the fence along this entire side.
- Build a stone wall to prevent balls from disappearing into the grass and to make them bounce back onto the field. This will also create a tidier and more aesthetic impression.
- Use crowbars, shovels, spades, and wheelbarrows (tools we already have) to move the soil mass from the field to the lower side of the fence, where a berm has already been started.