Preparing the Court in Spring - Landowner Frits and Ellen Julie Rustad - ca 1965
O Online user

Create a user account in
our bookingsystem:

Dowload the app:

O payment

Payment for booking is done online with bank card.

O fee for each booking

Members pay a fee for each booking. Fees are adjusted to type of membership and which time of the day you're booking. See MATCHI for details.

O Book right before play

You may book the court right up before the hour starts.

O Two hours Max per booking

It is possible to book four hours per person. When the last hour has been played, you may book again.

O book two weeks ahead of time

You may book the court up to two weeks in advance.

O cancellation/Refund

If canceled up to 2 hours in advance, the money will be refunded to your bank account. Please cancel the court if you are not able to use it.

O Season

The official season is from 1 May to 31 September, but the court is often open for play from mid-April to the end of October as long as conditions/weather permit.

rules of use

Landowner at Løkenes Farm, Frits Rustad, taking a break during work at the court - Spring ca 1965

O Be considerate

Be considerate of the neighbors and avoid loud cursing and screaming during games.

O Playing hours

No play between 23:00 and 07:00​

O Private Couch

Booking with private coach not allowed in primetime/17:00-20:00

O Keep it tidy

Make sure that it is tidy and free of waste around the facility when you leave the court

O Prepare the court for next players

Brush the court and lines after use. Water the court at least 5 minutes after play. Stop play 5 on.

O Shoes

Use shoes which are designed for clay courts (soft sole and w/o deep/rough surface).


Bergliot “Bi” Rustad - Norwegian Tennis Champion - excercising at the court- ca 1936


You do not need a membership to play, but you will get differentiated prices for booking if you register as a member.

O Children - 0 to 12 years (the year you turn).

Free booking 11 to 16 weekdays, 12 to 14 Saturday/Sunday and 21 to 23 evening (NOK 100,- other times)

O Junior (13 to 24 years).

Free booking 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (NOK 100,- other times on weekdays), 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday/Sunday and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday/Sunday evening)

O Senior (from 25 years)

NOK 150,- per hour (NOK 75,- 11 to 16 weekdays).

O family (cohabitants, children under 18)

NOK 150,- per hour (NOK 75,- 11 to 16 weekdays)

O Sponsor (Family of/works for sponsor).

Free booking.